Singapore 2025

What of Singapore towards 2025? Thoughts of a Singaporean.

Interview (Malay) with Radio Warna 94.2 FM

1. There is a sense that the younger generation in Singapore are less likely to be proud and loyal to the nation, despite them benefitting from the nation’s economic progress. As someone who belongs to the post independence generation, can you identify with this view and what do you think could be the reasons for this?

Honestly, I do not. I have met many young Singaporeans who are fiercely loyal and proud of Singapore. Many of these youth have no qualms taking their destiny in their hands and participating and even volunteering with the various opposition parties in Singapore. Such is the quality of their loyalty that they find no contradiction supporting an opposition party in Singapore, and Singapore the country. This is a very healthy development going forward. Indeed there is no contradiction supporting any political party in Singapore and remaining loyal to the country.

2. In the aftermath of the general elections, former MM Lee Kuan Yew had commented that young Singaporeans have forgotten the struggles of the nation’s past. Do you think the younger generation has taken the nation’s progress for granted? How has the nation’s history shaped your own personal view of the ‘Singapore Dream’?

Every generation takes ownership of its own unique problems. It is a non-starter to expect the current generation to remember every contour of our nation’s past. Rather than be encumbered by the past, our young are more concerned about the future, and rightly so. Contrary to the question, I feel our youth are not taking the nation’s future for granted, and it is for that reason they have more questions, proposals and suggestions for the politicians who represent them. This is yet another healthy development. The nation’s history and my personal view of the Singapore Dream are mutually exclusive. The Singapore Dream will not be delivered on our laps, we will all have to shape it and fight for it even.

3. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) recently launched a ‘happiness index’ to better measure the quality of life. The new index marks a significant change for the OECD, which for half a century has been known for its orthodox approach to economics and its promotion of structural reforms to boost GDP growth. Beyond economic progress, what areas of progress do you think Singapore should work towards in the years ahead and what role do you see yourself playing in that process as a young politician?

One very important area is citizen participation. And one of the most important tools of citizen participation is information. If we want our people to rely less on the government and to take ownership of their lives, our people must be endowed with the necessary information to understand what the government is thinking – and how we can contribute as citizens to this process. For example, there has been alot of discussion of immigration into Singapore over the last 10 years. But we don’t hear much detailed government explanation on emigration out of Singapore – how many Singaporeans have decided to give up on the Singapore Dream and why? Shouldn’t we look into their reason/s to give up Singapore citizenship, especially since our national birth rates are already so low? Data of this nature allow us as Singaporeans to take a good honest look at ourselves, and drives at the indicators that are so critical in determining the future Singapore we will inherit. Beyond economic progress, the socio-cultural dynamics and prospects of Singapore society deserve closer scrutiny and debate. Without doubt, I plan to contribute to this debate. 


Written by singapore 2025

29/10/2011 at 12:48 pm